Legal Services
Legal Services include free representation and advocacy on family and immigration law matters for survivors of intimate partner abuse.

We fight to secure justice for survivors, prioritizing client safety and goals.
Whether it be fear of losing custody of their children if they seek help; fear their children’s relationship with the other parent will suffer; fear leaving will disrupt the family or fear of the unknown, our clients’ concerns are all valid. We assist our clients in every phase of the process, recognizing that we must constantly prioritize safety when giving legal advice.
Our family law attorneys assist survivors to obtain orders of protection, child custody/visitation and child support in NYC Family Courts. We also provide counsel and advocacy for uncontested divorces.
Immigration attorneys provide representation on VAWA self-petitions, Battered Spouse Waivers, Asylum, U and T non-immigrant visas, Naturalization, Adjustment of Status, Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS), and removal defense.
Our dedicated legal team has expertise in special subtopics such as representing victims with disabilities and the Deaf, working with the LGBTQ+ community and immigrant population. To receive special training or technical assistance, please reach out.
We provide free legal clinics at various NYC Council Member District Offices and community based organizations across the City. Legal clinics provide you with individual and confidential free legal consultations on the following: Child/spousal support; custody/visitation; orders of protection; consumer debt and identity theft; options for victims of crimes; information about immigration legal remedies; financial abuse; general info about domestic violence; ACS advocacy and more. See our current legal clinic schedule below, and call 1-833-321-4387 to make an appointment.
We serve all survivors of intimate partner violence, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity, immigration status, or otherwise.
Our Legal Clinics
Contact Domestic Violence Project
We welcome your questions and comments
Main Office
40 Rector St., 9th FloorNew York, NY 10006
Intake line: 1-833-321-4387
M-F: 9:00AM-5:00PM
By appointment only.