Quick Exit / Salida Rapida
Quick Exit / Salida Rapida

April 5, 2018: NY Govenor Cuomo Requires Judicial Warrant For Arrests in State Facilities

2020-04-04T12:23:07-04:00April 5th, 2018|

Governor Cuomo expanded Executive Order #170 to require that ICE agents present judicial warrants to make arrests inside NY state facilities. Note, this does not extend to courthouses. The Order also provides that state officers and employees are not permitted to inquire as to an individual's immigration status unless necessary to determine eligibility for a program, benefit or to disclose to information to federal immigration authorities for purpose of federal civil immigration enforcement unless required by law.

March 1, 2018: DACA Update: What is the current status of DACA?

2020-04-04T12:25:11-04:00March 1st, 2018|

The Trump administration announced on September 5, 2017, that the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program would be phased out over six months, ending on March 5, 2018.  Since that time, Congress has been unable to pass a bill that would provide permanent relief to Dreamers and DACA recipients. However, there have been legal challenges to the way that the Trump administration is attempting to end the program. Learn more here.